Routine Maintenance Warning Signs

Routine Maintenance Warning Signs near Lexington Park, MD

Routine Maintenance Warning Signs near Lexington Park, MD

Your vehicle is constantly experiencing wear and tear whether you take short treks around town or extended excursions down the interstate. After a while, your model will start to display symptoms that signal it’s overdue for some much-needed upkeep. To prevent any maintenance procedures from slipping through the cracks, it’s imperative that you understand the red flags that will appear. To learn more, continue reading, then drop by to meet with our staff at Leonardtown Chevrolet Buick GMC to restore your ride to its former glory. 

Beneath the Hood

There are several intricate systems thundering at the core of your vehicle, and these valuable components require the utmost attention to keep them in optimal shape. In order ensure your powertrain is properly lubricated and prevent irreversible damage, it’s crucial to stay current with your oil changes. In the interim, you should be on the lookout for a scraping sound beneath the hood, decreased performance, and a burning smell entering the cabin of your ride. Another thing you should be cognizant of is your engine sputtering when you attempt to turn your vehicle on. This is your battery directly telling you that it no longer has the voltage required to breathe life into your mechanics. You can also perform a visual assessment to inspect this component. If you recognize a swollen battery casing or corrosion, then you’re long overdue for a replacement. 

Beneath Vehicle

The systems beneath your vehicle are constantly dealing with degradation on your interstate travels and off-road adventures alike. That’s exactly why it’s so important to stay current with maintenance, so you can maintain a safe driving experience throughout your entire day! Firstly, if you notice your steering wheel vibrate while reaching speeds in excess of 45 MPH, then this signifies that you’re dealing with tire imbalance as a result of pressure loss. In order to prevent this from occurring, it’s critical to participate in regular rotations to even out wear distribution. While we’re completing that task at our Service Department, we’ll also check on your brake pads to ensure they’re still delivering optimal stopping power. In the interim, you should be aware of for a grinding sound beneath your ride, longer stopping times, or your brake pedal coming to the floor on its own. 

Exterior Features

We couldn’t finish discussing scheduled maintenance without addressing your vehicle’s exterior features that are constantly being subjected to the elements. For starters, with the variety of weather conditions we deal with on the East Coast, it’s likely that your wiper blades will need to get changed once or twice a year. A telltale sign they’re at the end of their lifespan is a tattered or worn appearance, as well as streak marks being left on your front window. This signifies they are no longer making correct contact with the glass and aren’t effectively removing precipitation. Before you set out on your next trip, we highly recommend performing a quick walkaround to ensure none of your lights are burnt out. Dead bulbs will not only put you in harm’s way, but will also subject you to getting pulled over. Finally, it’s essential to fill in chips in your windshield to prevent you from having to spring for a full window replacement. 

To learn more about these routine maintenance warning signs near Lexington Park, MD, contact us at Leonardtown Chevrolet Buick GMC today! Before you visit, make sure to take a look at our glowing reviews. 

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